Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Love waits

I want to hold you, hug you, kiss you, love you
but for now all I can do is wish and wait
for time to be on our side
but I believe that true love can wait
how long it takes, how far it goes
how deep it can grow despite the absence
for the heart is never impatient
it can only continue beating, hoping and loving
for once it find it's way home
it will stay with you forever
wherever you go, whatever you do
love will keep the sparks burning
like an embers that warms the soul

PS: for md...I believe if one truly love someone s/he can wait written 11-22-08

Thursday, November 20, 2008


If I shed a tear
will you wipe it dry
If I doubt myself
will you comfort me
If I feel cold
will your arms warmth me
If I feel lost
will you guide me home
If I seem confuse
will you make things fine
If I say I need you
will you need me too
If I say I love you
will you love me too
But I guess I don't need to
ask you so many if's
By just being there
answer all my if's

PS: written 11:55pm 11-20-08 ... I just feel so inspire at the moment for the person who's been making me smile :->